Contact us
T: 0161 266 1110
T: 0800 085 5553
more about us...
Here at Promotional Umbrellas, we offer what we believe to be the widest range of promotional umbrellas available in the UK. We have been one of the few main suppliers of printed umbrellas in the UK for many years, for the very reason that we believe that our umbrellas are competitively priced and our knowledge second to none. One of the many advantages that we hold over the various umbrella distributors is that we hold our own umbrellas in our Manchester based warehouse and print in-house, giving us total control of our own stock, production quality and speed.
Even if you have left it too late, we always have our 24 hour promotional umbrella production packages available to help you out.

The Promotional Umbrellas head office is based near Manchester Airport at:
Manchester Business Park, 3000 Aviator Way, Manchester, M22 5TG

Please feel free to call us with any umbrella enquiries on 0800 085 5553 or email