Promotional Umbrellas UK T:0800 085 5553
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How do I order Promotional Umbrellas? A step by step guide.

branded umbrellas corporate umbrellas How do i order Promotional Umbrellas How to order Promotional Umbrellas Printed Umbrellas promotional umbrellas

How do I order Promotional Umbrellas?

Looking to order Promotional Umbrellas?

This is a question that we get asked a lot...especially on rainy days!

It is a well know fact that a striking umbrella can be one of the most effective ways of advertising your business or service. We receive may calls from people who have one minute been sat in a coffee shop sipping i]on their lattes, when an eye catching design has passed the window. Maybe it just a case of umbrella envy, or maybe an epiphany as to the benefits of what is essentially an socially acceptable portable bill board

The good news is the the process is very simple and we are here to help you every step of the way.

1. A good starting point is to call our friendly team free on 0800-085-5553. We will guide you through the various models available which start with the Telescopic (handbag size folding umbrellas) followed by the walking, which is usually a more traditional looking fixed frame umbrella many people refer to a medium sized. Finally there is the golf umbrella which are hugely popular due to the many customisation options and colours available.

2. Once you have chosen you model the next stage is to choose a colour, this is very straight froward. We have a wide selection of colours available and when your choice doesn't fall within our range, we can make the exact colour from scratch to match perfectly.

3. Branding - Your logo. How many panels would you like it to appear on? Again very straight forward.

4. Quantity - this speaks for itself really

Once we have covered these brief details we will request a copy of your logo and then we can set to work on arranging a free PDF proof for you to approve prior to printing. Any changes can be made at this stage so the finished article matches your exact requirements.

Branded umbrella envy...

Once approved just sit back and wait for your delivery, and maybe next time it could be you walking past that coffee shop window causing the next wave of umbrella envy!.

Don't forget, you can always call one of our experts for help on 0800-085-5553







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